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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2022

Ridin’ with Biden shirt

Hình ảnh
 Flora Brooks Butler I work in the hood where most people don’t have actual insurance but have Medi-Cal. The hospital will never get an in person interpreter for the 1-2 pts we get every few months. It’s not practical. Also we’ve switched providers 3 times already and all the same. Grew up with Francesca many years ago. Things were the same then and now. Yes to iPads etc, but they are not the solution. Would you want to find out that you were dying via a screen or by someone in the same room. I know what I’d want. Francesca. Mom and and I (Vickie Jennings from Breakthough Trust) send our love. BSL should be taught in primary and made an option as a language alongside French, Spanish etc as I think it would be more beneficial to learn BSL as majority of people go to college/uni/ jobs that they never use a spoken language because it's rare to come across a person who cannot speak English but they are more likely to come across a deaf person or a person with a disability that prevents